by Wolfgang | May 25, 2021 | Our story
Attendees at the Welded Structures Design seminar with in insert Prof Adolf Hobbacher (left) and NZ Welding Centre Manger Dr Michail Karpenko Supporting professional development is a key focus for the HERA Foundation and sponsoring the HERA’s annual visiting expert...
by Wolfgang | May 25, 2021 | Latest news
Keith Smith Memorial Award winner Warwick Downing (centre with award) and his supporters from RAM3D The HERA Foundation rewards a wide range of achievements from student awards at our Engineering Schools to industry achievers and those who delivered outstanding...
by Wolfgang | May 24, 2021 | Our story
HERA Foundation Scholarship recipient Hafez Taheri (left) with HERA’s Welding Centre GM Dr Michail Karpenko in front of their test rigg at the University of Auckland. HERA Foundation PhD scholarship recipient’s Hafez Taheri’s research topic is part of a long-term HERA...