Donate today!
Please complete the following form and we’ll be in touch soon.
Your donation supports our industry’s future
The HERA Foundation was formed by industry leaders to support heavy engineering research and industry achievement. To ensure we’re able to keep this work going to meet our fundamental objectives – industry support is critical.
Making a financial contribution in the form of a donation or bequest is the most effective way to do this. Not only does this secure our industry’s future, but it also builds your legacy or that of your company.
HERA Foundation is also recognised as a charitable organisation under the Charities Act 2005, meaning that you may be eligible for a tax benefit when you donate to us.
*CharitableTrust registration number CC23617
How can you donate?
There are three key ways in which you can contribute to the work we do:
- a ‘give a little’ donation;
- legacy donation or bequest; or
- in-kind contribution.
Donations over $5.00 may be eligible for a tax credit equal to one-third of your charitable donation and receipts will be provided to document your tax-deductible donation.
A small donation can go a long way!
Whether one-off or regular monthly or yearly donations via an automatic bank payment, it is quick and easy to set up, and by keeping it small – won’t hurt your wallet!
If you’re interested to set this up, please chat to our Treasurer who will be able to assist. Of course, rest assured that subscription payments can be cancelled at any time, simply contact our Treasurer at to arrange.
Create a legacy through a donation or bequest
If you are reading this, it is likely that you or your whānau (family) are strongly linked to the heavy engineering industry, and would appreciate how local engineering research has benefited you. As such, committing to a larger donations or bequest is a great way to consider supporting what you care about – either today or after you’re gone.
An enduring legacy of this nature provides the additional benefit of being able to request that your donation or bequest be linked to a specific scholarship, research topic or outcome and be recognised on our newly created donations register (with your permission).
If this is something of interest, please contact our Secretary, Troy Coyle at to discuss further. Please note, we are also able to assist with template ‘clauses’ for inclusion in wills and recommendations if you’d like to do this without specific requirements.
Legacy in action!
By example, our best-known legacy bequest was received from Keith Smith – a key figure in the inception of HERA and the HERA Foundation.
Prior to his passing, he made a bequest to the Foundation in his will, of which, funds the prize monies for the Keith Smith Memorial Award, which recognises distinguished persons for their contribution to our industry. We are proud to be able to honour Keith and his contribution in this way, and still to this day, maintain a trusted connection to him through his wife, Jean Smith.
In-kind contributions
Being a HERA member makes you part of a great community, one where whenever asked for support, are often willing to chip in and contribute in-kind, providing services or materials or both.
A great example of this in action, was the 2014 refurbishment of HERA House which would not have been possible without the significant in-kind contributions towards the $2m refurbishment project received from industry. Each sponsor was recognised on our memorial plaques and continue to be valued members of HERA to this day.
Looking forward, we hope to once again call on our industry for their support, with the extension of HERA House with a development of our 6 star GreenStar rated Innovation Centre earmarked for construction to begin in 2024.
If you are interested in contributing, please get in touch with our Secretary today!